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2025 Mission Trip Alpharetta, GA

2025 Mission Trip

JOIN US THIS SUMMER… in La Guajira, Colombia, to serve our Wayuu brothers and sisters and empower indigenous churches to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached Wayuu.    JUNE 20th – 28th Total cost: $1,400 (Does not include international ticket)  Sign-up deadline: January 30th.  The first deposit of $400 is due by… Continue reading

2024 Harvest of Hope Dinner

Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord wholeheartedly. 1 Chronicles 29:9  On December 3rd, we celebrated our Harvest of Hope Celebration dinner. We were honored to have our friend, Pastor Edwin Freyle, who shared the impact of Bread of Hope’s work among Wayuu churches… Continue reading

Wayuu Bible

The Colombian Bible Society has recently published the first complete translation of the Bible into Wayuunaiki, the language spoken by the Indigenous Wayuu people. With a population of around 500,000, the Wayuu make up 20% of the Indigenous population in Colombia and represent the largest Indigenous group in Venezuela and Colombia. This is a significant… Continue reading

Poromana Ministry Center

With the growth of our ministry and our Pastor Training Program, we needed to find a place to host trainings, conferences, and planning meetings to serve Wayuu communities better. The community of Poromana is just a twenty-minute drive, 8 miles from Riohacha. It has electricity and access to water, and we have great relationships with… Continue reading

Summer 2024

Mission trips – Summer 2024 Empowerment Through Service: How Short-term Mission Trips Impact Wayuu Communities and Churches in the US This past summer, our short-term mission trips provided over 30 people the opportunity to experience Christian life outside the United States. Each team spent a week serving alongside Wayuu churches in La Guajira, Colombia, actively… Continue reading

Wayuu Bibles Fundraiser

Help us bring God’s Word to the Wayuu The Wayuu people now have access to both the Old and New Testament for the very first time. The complete Wayuu Bible translation is finished. The project led by the Colombian Bible Society was completed a few months ago and is ready for printing. Bread of Hope is partnering… Continue reading

2024 Mission Trip

JOIN US THIS SUMMER… in La Guajira Colombia to serve our Wayuu brothers and sisters and empower indigenous churches to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached Wayuu.      JUNE 21st – 29th Total cost: $2,400 Sign-up deadline: February 29th.  The first deposit of $600 is due on FEBRUARY 29th The cost… Continue reading

Harvest of Hope 2023

Harvest of Hope Celebration Dinner We are excited to share with you all of the amazing things the Lord has done this year through your generous giving. The dinner will be on Thursday, December 7th at 6:30pm at Lebanon Baptist Church. Please RSVP to let us know that you will be joining us!     We look forward to celebrating and… Continue reading

How do we measure success? 

how to measure success in ministry

More than just activities and projects A few days ago, someone asked me if we had a successful summer. This question led me to think about our ministry and all we accomplished in just two months with the help of short-term teams. I can make a list of the main projects that we accomplished: Ministry Center… Continue reading

24-Hour Matching Donation Challenge

One of our generous donors is partnering with us for a 24-hour matching challenge up to $5,000. The purpose of this challenge is to raise funds to purchase all the PROCLAIMERS we need for 2023.  THE PROCLAIMER is a digital audio player that has a complete recording of the New Testament in the Wayuu native… Continue reading

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292 South Main St Suite 200
Alpharetta, GA 30009



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