Wayuu pastors and church leaders can reach their communities better than we can. As a ministry working overseas, we understand that the best way to spread the gospel is through local believers and Christian leaders. They can overcome the cultural barriers better than we can, they know and understand their culture and communities, they speak the language and have influence among their people. What many of these Christian leaders are missing is foundational biblical and practical training for their ministry. In our experience, Wayuu pastors are aware of their need for biblical training. The number one request we get from pastors in Colombia, after prayer, is for biblical and theological training.
85% of the world’s evangelical pastors have little or no biblical training.
Well-equipped pastors are crucial to achieving our goal of reaching the Wayuu people. It has been said that global missions is a very simple endeavor: All that is needed is a man, called of God, sent to the place where God has called him, with the right tools in his hands. In La Guajira, Colombia faithful Christian leaders and pastors are willing to take the Gospel to their people, but they are greatly hindered by their lack of even the most basic resources. At Bread of Hope, we believe that an essential part of our ministry is to provide these indigenous pastors with those resources that will empower them to make and multiply disciples in their communities, plant new churches, and impact La Guajira region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ for His glory.
As a response to this need, we created the Sembradores program to equip native leaders with the biblical tools they need to, understand the gospel, preach it in their communities and effectively make disciples in their churches.
This is a two-year program, with week-long (4-5 days) training sessions, every two months. At the end of this process, the participants will have completed an average of 50 full days of training, and over 400 hours of biblical training and over 50 hours of practical lessons in the field with their disciples.
As Church planters are graduating, we will work alongside their local church empowering them to reach out to other communities planting new churches.
We do this by helping the church planter create a church leadership team or Hope Team. This team is trained and discipled by the church planter using the tools provided to teach the gospel, encouraging these believers to find their gifts and talents in God’s kingdom. This way we ensure the local church is working as a team in their efforts to reach other communities.
The purpose of our “transform” strategy, is to start a community development process through the local Wayuu church. Once the Hope teams have been equipped and empowered with the gospel and the tools they need, they are encouraged to go into their communities and identify how they can engage through different programs such as water projects, eye clinics, construction, and literacy programs. These programs will give Wayuu churches a way to connect with members of the community who would not normally walk to church on a Sunday.