“Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may continually fulfill it.”
— Colossians 4:17
We humans are great starters but often bad finishers. We leave unfinished symphonies, unfinished buildings, unfinished books, unfinished projects. We may not always finish what we start, but God always finishes what He starts God doesn’t create a bird and give him half a wing. He didn’t create an unfinished flower or an unfinished star. He puts the finishing touches on everything He does and then He says, “It is good.”
God is perfect. His Kingdom is perfect, but before we enjoy eternity with Him, He gave us a task to finish. Matthew 24:14 tells us that before the end comes, the gospel has to be preached in ALL the world.
However, 2,000 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection the Christian movement, especially in the global north, has lost its sense of urgency. Affluent, comfortable, and distracted, Christians today seem to have lost the fire to change the world. The work of God’s kingdom lies unfinished, and God’s people seem to have lost their very sense of purpose in the world.
There is a direct connection between the unfinished work of God’s kingdom and our sense of feeling incomplete in our Christian faith, because there is a connection between our story and God’s story. If we are not personally engaged in God’s great mission in the world, then we have missed the very thing he created us to do. We are like birds meant to fly but living in a cage; fish meant to swim but floundering on the beach.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. God created each of us uniquely, and he created us for a purpose.
It is time to rediscover God’s vision for our world and his call upon your life. Where do we fit into this big story of God, how can we discover the role God created us to play, and what are the implications of this for our lives, our world views, our careers, and our families? We need to revisit the breathtaking truth, the urgent mission, and the profound personal significance of our Christian faith as we seek to follow the One who died that we might have life and have it to the full.
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