Suwarala Wounmain
What do you do when God calls you to action? You answer His call. Last year, we were contacted by a local elementary school in Venezuela asking for help. This elementary school in Maracaibo, Venezuela has a special needs program for Wayuu children called, Suwarala Wounmain, “light of the land” in Wayuu. It is designed to help educate and support Wayuu children with autism, down syndrome, dyspraxia, speech disorders, and more. With the socio-economic crisis going on in Venezuela right now, many of these children are skipping school. They simply don’t have the money for meals, transportation, or their medicine.
Bread of Hope has recently started to help three local Venezuelan churches in their efforts to support Suwarala Wounmain. The main goal of this program is to help these children develop mentally, emotionally, and socially so that they can successfully integrate into society and not be limited by their disorder.
Bread of Hope will be empowering the local church to impact the lives of these children, their families, and their teachers with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Hope for Wayuu children with special needs
The principal of the school has given us the opportunity to spend an entire day each week with the children of the special needs program. There are 23 special needs students. During this time, we will be sharing Bible lessons, meals, and special learning activities with both the children and their parents. The principal has also confirmed that she would like our participation in their program to expand to the rest of their elementary school in the future. Please support us by praying for everyone involved in this program (the local church members, the students their parents, and the school staff).
By donating:
$50 / month – You can support a special needs child with their education and help provide their families with groceries, medicine, and transportation to school.
After starting your donation, you will receive a thank you packet with a picture of the child you are supporting and a letter that you can write to them.